前段时间ClixSense搞了一个强制身份验证的东西,不通过验证的话就一直锁定帐户不允许登录进行任何操作。大伟哥把之前做网站备案用的一张照片上传之后,又被告知这样还不够,照片里除了手持身份证之外,还要拿一张纸,写明“ID verification for Clixsense #12345678”。大伟哥当时就不高兴了,这是要任人摆布的节奏啊。
ySense is the new home for Clixsense members. It has all of the same features you’ve grown to love plus new earning opportunities and reward options. Here is what you need to know about ySense.com:
New earning opportunities
We are adding surveys from new providers like ProdegeMR, offers to make money from top brands like Uber and Tidal and we will start adding new ways to earn over time.
New Reward options
- Paypal is back!
- Gift cards from top global brands like Amazon and more
- Pre-paid MasterCard / VISA (in select countries)
Affiliate program
- Richest affiliate program in the industry
- With more ways to earn being introduced over time, your affiliate fees will continue growing
Bonus opportunities
- Weekly Task contest paused this week but will start again next week
- Earn Daily Checklist Bonus (see rules)
Is there anything missing?
Not every offer wall or survey partner will be live today. Some have been discontinued because their offers or surveys were duplicates and paid less than what you could find elsewhere on the site.
Others are being integrated into the site as we speak but didn’t make the cut for launch. We appreciate your patience as we get everything settled.
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